A Blog of thinking across boundaries…

Month: January 2024
  • Your Pluto in Aquarius Theme

    Your Pluto in Aquarius Theme

    Pluto is a slow yet methodical energy. Its objective is to unearth the darkness so that it may completely transform it into the light, a light that will lead the way toward your evolved existence in the new era.   Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius marks the beginning stages of The Age of Aquarius. Pluto will…

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  • Creative Problem-Solving Styles of the Stars

    Creative Problem-Solving Styles of the Stars

    CREATIVITY is defined by originality and meaningfulness.  It’s the problem-solving processes that a person executes rather than the content or craft that determine their level of creativity. Often when people think of “creativity” they think of Picasso, Salvadore Dali or Einstein – all examples of people who persevered with their ideas, rose to the occasions…

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