As we seek to uncover ways to navigate our lives, the lunar energy is one of the most potent energies that pulsates from our solar system. The supposed influence of the Moon on our human lives is found in the way we nurture ourself and how we nurture others.
The moon cycle can serve as a calendar of feelings, a timekeeper and forecaster (this is why humans have a long history of planting by the phases of the moon). The Moon moves through eight phases, completing its full cycle every 29.5 days from no light to full light and with each phase highlighting a stage of your personal growth.
Each lunar cycle features (8) eight phases of those; (4) four are considered leading phases which are: The New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon and Last Quarter. The next (4) four are transitional phases which are: Crescent Moon, Gibbous, Disseminating and Balsamic Moon.
Getting to know and watching the moon cycles will provide stellar support for your manifesting ability because when you stay aware of the moon cycles you are staying present with your behaviours in the areas of; conscious temperament, understanding your deeper needs, knowing, and applying self-nourishment and engagement efforts that impact your feeling of belonging.
Here is a summary the (8) Moon Phases:
NEW MOON = Intention, during this phase we set our objectives. This moon phase rises and sets with the Sun and therefore forms a conjunction, semi sextile. Let yourself wonder, embrace possibility, and envision the new.
CRESENT MOON = Initiation, during this phase we do research, learn, and tune inward. This moon phase rises before noon and sets before midnight and therefore forms a square, sextile with the Sun. Shift your position, get excited but move forward slowly.
FIRST QUARTER MOON = Action, during this phase we dive in and aim to build forward momentum. This moon phase rises around noon and sets around midnight and therefore forms a square, trine with the Sun. Make decisions, break away from what was, and discover new supports.
GIBBOUS MOON = Refinement, during this phase we apply our problem-solving skills to challenges and stay present. This moon phase rises mid-afternoon and sets after midnight and therefore forms a sesqui-quadrate, quincunx with the Sun. Make adjustments, practice patience and trust yourself.
FULL MOON = Illumination, during this phase we consider how the way in which our behaviours engaged in real time have contributed to what has emerged and take stock of the great insights from what you are witnessing. This moon phase rises around sunset and sets near sunrise and therefore forms an opposition, quincunx with the Sun. Take stock of what is emerging, honour your emotions and gather your awareness.
DISSEMINATING MOON = Sharing, during this phase we review and contemplate to further our understanding and we often gather more information/feedback when we gather with others during this phase. This moon phase rises after sunset and sets after sunrise and therefore forms an Sesqui-quadrate, trine to the Sun. Share insights, express gratitude and connect to your inner wisdom.
LAST QUARTER MOON = Maturity, during this phase we are adjusting, acknowledging any resistance, and taking responsibility for what needs to go and what can stay. This moon phase rises around midnight and sets around noon and therefore forms a square, sextile to the Sun. Take accountability and let things go.
BALSAMIC MOON = Renewal, during this phase feelings are for rest, and replenishing of the mind, body, and soul. This moon phases rises in the pre-dawn hours and sets in the afternoon and therefore forms a Semi-square, semi-sextile to the Sun. Honour thresholds and carve out quiet time to renew.
When we have an awareness of the tides of the Moon, we can have a stronger metaphorical hold on our envisioned goals while aligning with the energies to actualize them in the fullness of time.
Dia dhuit,