Self-empowerment is what lights our internal fire ablaze! Sometimes life gets in the way but when we want and need to bring our truest self to the forefront to improve our experiences and enhance our relationships, it doesn’t hurt to have some reminders on how we can live our best lives with our new, existing, and improved forms of self, to life!
Here are 7 tips to assist in unleashing your true self.
- Stop people pleasing. We all have a certain number of unavoidable things to do for and with others, but constantly saying yes to things you don’t want to do can have a seriously detrimental effect on your physical and emotional health. Determine your boundaries and don’t compromise.
- Don’t wait for weight. Your body is the container of your spirit and your personhood offerings to the world are not dependent on your size rather, your attitude. Do what it takes to increase the positive energy of your attitude and watch your altitude rise!
- Stand in your own power by reminding yourself daily that you don’t need anyone’s approval but your own. Avoid replaying negative comments from the outside world and stay focused on being and doing what makes you feel self regulated and secure.
- Stay in the present and avoid thinking about the past or worrying too much about the future. Take inventory of your life and what you have right here, right now and create daily moments of gratitude for it, it will work for you if you let it.
- Be kind to yourself, perfection is not the point to this life and there is no way you can know it all. Convey some sincere compliments to others and pay yourself a compliment more regularly.
- Have some self-belief that you are here for a reason, believe in your journey or no one else will.
- Realize you have a choice. Feel the fear and do it anyway, or don’t do it. It’s your life, you get to decide.
Activate these tips in your life and conjure up the willingness to stay consistent in showing up for yourself on the regular basis, and then get out there and strut your stuff!
Cheers Cosmic Citizens,
©Regan Jane Hayward