A Blog of thinking across boundaries…

  • The Zodiac Colour Wheel of Nutritional Vitality

    The Zodiac Colour Wheel of Nutritional Vitality

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    In ancient Greece, Arabia, Italy and some of England, astrology was considered a foundation and an important training element in medical practice.  The study of the health and well-being of the body associated and connected to the position of stars, planets and zodiac energies is called Medical astrology or astrological medicine (iatromathematics).  Part art and…

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  • Holistic Nutrition and Your Personhood

    Holistic Nutrition and Your Personhood

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    I sat in the waiting room of a quiet wing in my local hospital.  It was the first year into covid and just a few months prior, I had been told by a specialist that I needed a small, surgical procedure.  Listening to the sound of silence broken by the odd footsteps of a nurse,…

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  • 7 Tips to Unleash Your True Self 

    7 Tips to Unleash Your True Self 

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    Self-empowerment is what lights our internal fire ablaze! Sometimes life gets in the way but when we want and need to bring our truest self to the forefront to improve our experiences and enhance our relationships, it doesn’t hurt to have some reminders on how we can live our best lives with our new, existing, and…

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  • Your Pluto in Aquarius Theme

    Your Pluto in Aquarius Theme

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    Pluto is a slow yet methodical energy. Its objective is to unearth the darkness so that it may completely transform it into the light, a light that will lead the way toward your evolved existence in the new era.   Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius marks the beginning stages of The Age of Aquarius. Pluto will…

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  • Creative Problem-Solving Styles of the Stars

    Creative Problem-Solving Styles of the Stars

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    CREATIVITY is defined by originality and meaningfulness.  It’s the problem-solving processes that a person executes rather than the content or craft that determine their level of creativity. Often when people think of “creativity” they think of Picasso, Salvadore Dali or Einstein – all examples of people who persevered with their ideas, rose to the occasions…

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  • The Fist Pump Astrology Offers

    The Fist Pump Astrology Offers

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    WHO: you are is what makes you unique, spending time getting to know yourself through your Birth Chart will provide a deeper sense of self! WHAT: lies ahead will always be a mystery…do not be afraid to explore….especially when astrology offers you a map, made especially for you! WHEN: life pushes you over….push back smarter…

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