Creative Healing is the clarification of beauty inherent in our humanness and the recognizing of visual imagery as meaningful for deeper self understanding overall.
Replacing fear with hope, and darkness with light, is the core spirit of creative healing. The idea that we must access doorways into our spirit, when it has been burnt-out, lost, depressed, or anxiety-riddled, is very real. Plus, the re-opening of the heart again after experiencing life’s challenges, are both integral components to the creative healing process.
The practice of art and astrology toward achieving creative healing can free a person’s energy from being stuck. It achieves this when a person incorporates the making of art or viewing of ART for transpersonal reasons rather than for therapy or interpretation. When it comes to astrology, it offers creative healing as it raises personal awareness and will foster mindfulness for life’s next steps.
When a person is engaging in the practice of art and or astrology, for the purpose of creative healing, it is simply about holding sacred the present moments of life and experience thinking of the world in a different way.
When a person set’s the intention to creatively heal, true realization arrives that, art is a way of feeling, astrology is a way of knowing, and both practice modalities are long-established way’s of healing and truly manifesting personal well-being!