CREATIVITY is defined by originality and meaningfulness. It’s the problem-solving processes that a person executes rather than the content or craft that determine their level of creativity.
Often when people think of “creativity” they think of Picasso, Salvadore Dali or Einstein – all examples of people who persevered with their ideas, rose to the occasions of opportunity and who are etched in our history for their demonstrated talent!
Just because we many never reach their level of fame and or notoriety does not mean a person can’t have access to personal idea generating powers that lead to making our own masterpieces.
Afterall, limiting beliefs can block all potential, it’s important to approach your experiences with an open mind that believes that new solutions are always within reach, that is the starting point to handling any challenges with flair and grace!
Studies have shown that taking up creative pursuits makes people more flexible and less judgemental. As a person exercises their own ability to adapt, recognizing what it takes from a mental and emotional space to reinvent and rework solutions to life’s conundrums.
In our modern moment, all of us need to aim at some level of “creativity” to survive. Today’s economic environment and record levels of uncertainty are signs that none of us can afford not to innovate, whether that is doing more with less or heading into a whole new career direction, the time is ripe to cultivate personal creativity to increase one’s innovating aptitude.
So, what is your creative problem-solving style? Everybody shines at different parts of the process and having awareness as to where you fit in will give a person an advantage.
Build up your strengths and team up with people who compensate for your weaknesses. Brainstorming launches this process and help frame all the details at hand. And to come up with truly original schemes, its essential to separate idea generation from idea evaluation and ultimately execution of those ideas.
How are you creative? INNOVATION is rarely a one-step deal. The trick is figuring out how you solve problems.
Donald J. Treffinger and colleagues at the CENTRE FOR CREATIVE LEARNING in Sarasota, Florida, research studies outlined what certain people emphasize when making creative decisions, that is; External and or Explorers, as a base line for problem solving is, harmony among people. Whereas the Internal and or Developers base line for problem solving is more skilled at the demands of a task. All are creative in their own way alas; a balance of styles yields the best collaborations.
In your personal astrology, you possess ALL the energies of the zodiac to varying degrees within your birth chart. However, it is your Sun, Moon and Rising sign energies that act as the core of you. Be sure to read all 3 energy patterns when gathering research on yourself and potential teammates. Here are the Personhood ART energetic elements for consideration that I have coupled with the baseline research from the Centre for Creative Learning.
The Personhood ART of Creative Problem Solving:
ARIES creative problem-solving style is fiery and confident energy that is notoriously quick on the draw and slow burning on the completeness. This energy is EXTERNAL and draws energy from taking and sharing ideas with others, and it is an EXPLORERS energy that is great at coming up with completely novel ideas.
TAURUS creative problem-solving style is reliable and stable energy that is especially slow and hesitant toward change which can cause delays toward solutions but will not prohibit them! This energy is INTERNAL and gathers and thinks about information quietly, it is a DEVELOPERS energy that has the strength at executing and making ideas work.
GEMINI creative problem-solving style is energetic and inquisitive energy that willingly tackles the research and outreach on the trail of clues. This energy is EXTERNAL and draws energy from taking and sharing ideas with others, and it is an EXPLORERS energy that is great at coming up with completely novel ideas.
CANCER creative problem-solving style is imaginative and compassionate energy that is sure to observe how the overall circumstances feel for self and others. This energy is INTERNAL and gathers and thinks about information quietly, it is a DEVELOPERS energy that has the strength at executing and making ideas work.
LEO creative problem-solving style is confident and leadership energy that will not hesitate to gather up what they know and who they know to help solve challenges. This energy is EXTERNAL and draws energy from taking and sharing ideas with others, and it is an EXPLORERS energy that is great at coming up with completely novel ideas.
VIRGO creative problem-solving style is reliable and practical energy that is superior in its ability to effectively analyse all factors of any challenges. This energy is INTERNAL and gathers and thinks about information quietly, it is a DEVELOPERS energy that has the strength at executing and making ideas work.
LIBRA creative problem-solving style is fair and diplomatic energy that can address any difficulty with unprecedented tact. This energy is EXTERNAL and draws energy from taking and sharing ideas with others, and it is an EXPLORERS energy that is great at coming up with completely novel ideas.
SCORPIO creative problem-solving style is passionate and risk-taking energy that will cultivate strategy with both knowledge and instinct. This energy is INTERNAL and gathers and thinks about information quietly, it is a DEVELOPERS energy that has the strength at executing and making ideas work.
SAGITTARIUS creative problem-solving style is cheerful and curious energy that can source the crux of an issue in innovated ways. This energy is EXTERNAL and draws energy from taking and sharing ideas with others, and it is an EXPLORERS energy that is great at coming up with completely novel ideas.
CAPRICORN creative problem-solving style is practical and determined energy that will not quit until it arrives to a satisfactory conclusion. This energy is INTERNAL and gathers and thinks about information quietly, it is a DEVELOPERS energy that has the strength at executing and making ideas work.
AQUARIUS creative problem-solving style is eccentric and sensation seeking energy that can easily think so far outside the box that they need to slow down to allow others to catch up. This energy is EXTERNAL and draws energy from taking and sharing ideas with others, and it is an EXPLORERS energy that is great at coming up with completely novel ideas.
PISCES creative problem-solving style is perceptive and sensitive energy that can highlight the blind spots before they become speed bumps. This energy is EXTERNAL and draws energy from taking and sharing ideas with others, and it is an EXPLORERS energy that is great at coming up with completely novel ideas.
We spend so much mental energy either avoiding or unproductively reviewing problems that the idea of chasing and embracing them seems strange, and yet it is a hallmark of the creative orientation to life! But, when you know the personhood tools you possess and the potential of your teammates, you are sure to keep on the habit of creating and collaborating on those innovative solutions!
Cheers Cosmic Citizens,
©Regan Jane Hayward