From March 7, 2023 through till May 25, 2025

Saturn changes signs once every 2.5 years, Saturn is an energy that it makes things more serious, more real, it wants more self discipline from a person, some effort toward building the structure of your lifestyle and has been known to deliver reality checks to those who don’t comply.
If Saturn is the duty to actualize, then Pisces is the energy of manifesting and as Saturn transits Pisces, the sign of spirituality, Saturn is no longer concerned with climbing the tangible ladder or acquiring more material stuff, rather it will influence the desire for a deeper sense of meaning to our existence and the sourcing of new methods to manifest our creativity.
This energy is in effect from March 7, 2023 through till May 25, 2025, below are a few ways that Saturn’s transit through Pisces will impact you. Be sure to read both your rising sign and sun sign for overall consideration.
Aries and Aries Rising: You are being prepared to let go of the past and embark on a deeper search for meaning, to make sense of your life. It could manifest as taking more time to rest and rejuvenate, perhaps connecting with a mentor or experiencing the complete removal of an old way of life. it’s about digging deep on who you are, who you want to be and where you want to eventually go.
Taurus and Taurus Rising: You are being prepared to let go of old hopes and old networks and embark on a new vision for your future. At times you might feel like Linus with out his blanket. However, the universe is on your side as you will manifest a better understanding of the world at large and this will lead you toward those new communities that better align with the new you that is emerging.
Gemini and Gemini Rising: You are being prepared to let go of old thought patterns and belief systems so you can fully embark on embracing new roles and responsibilities in life. This can manifest as changes in your worldly status. Good or bad, depends on your level of integrity and willingness toward duty.
Cancer and Cancer Rising: You are being prepared to let go of heavy emotions which means you will need to completely process them to move on. Its about thinking through emotional challenges so as to give those experiences meaning. This can manifest as seeking new theologies to study, engaging in higher education, distant travel and or connecting with person’s that open your mind to new frameworks of understanding.
Leo and Leo Rising: You are being prepared to face yourself and do the work that leads toward actualizing your authentic personal truth for the manifesting of healthier emotions and healthier habits. Focusing on your shadow work may lead you toward trusted gurus or psychological practitioners in effort to strengthen your self trust, implement a few changes and enhance your personal power.
Virgo and Virgo Rising: You are being prepared for a whole new phase of relating with others so that you can manifest a better understanding of the connections in your life. You will have experiences that provoke very deep reflection and spur you to obtain a new type of balance in your relationships and with your life overall. You could meet someone new and interesting or perhaps start the real work to rehabilitate an existing love or conclude outgrown alliances all together.
Libra and Libra Rising: You are being prepared for routine and ritual in your daily life so that you can manifest optimal health and productivity. Trying to create a solid new ground is wanted but unlikely. As others lean on you more during this period, it will be your intuitive approach with schedules, the structure of your calendar and your personal wellness that offers the key to delivering.
Scorpio and Scorpio Rising: You are being prepared for an authentic, organic connection toward your passions and pursuits of personal joy. The creativity and love that is available to you during this period will need to be manifested by your ability to change the game in your life, your willingness to really embody those new parts of your identity, but more seriously though, and on a regular basis.
Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising: You are being prepared for deeper wisdom and maturity so that you can feel empowered while settling down to the new foundations around your home environment and your family life. This is a time when you have the feeling, internally and externally, of a grounding that will bestow your adventurous spirit with a pathway to leveling up your overall personal life by the end of this transit.
Capricorn and Capricorn Rising: You are being prepared for clarification around your communication styles so as to ensure that how you present yourself is aligned with the real you. It can be helpful at this time to book with teachers/tutors of all kinds to help guide your considerations, to coach you with the perceptions you have on various matters. This is a time of learning, being open and teachable will assist you in the new choices you are wanting to make and cultivating new authority.
Aquarius and Aquarius Rising: You are being prepared for a serious look at finances and your self worth. Now you will need to stabilize recent changes you have made. This is a cycle whereby your self esteem determines the direction of your resources, perhaps that means finally establishing a budget or taking on bigger investments that expand your portfolio, the more you are in tuned with your realest sense of self, the smoother things will unfold.
Pisces and Pisces: You are being prepared for a phase of growth that fosters major new developments around self reliance, authority and maturity. Saturn demands a higher standard from you when it comes to making practical changes to your life, it’s a time to not take anything for granted or perhaps its time to stop avoiding things that require effort. Your physical body and how you come across to others on a personal level will be in the spotlight.