Welcome to my blog post series “Straight Goods” where I will share personal updates for my readers. As this is my first post in the series, I want to cover the key details that have brought me here, to this starting point of extending my art astrology practice into the digital age, so here we go…
Hi, I am Regan, a Libra Sun, Gemini Rising and a Gemini Moon. I am an artist, curator, astrologer and yogi! Also, a proud auntie to the best nephews and nieces a woman could ask for!
Born in Toronto, Canada, I grew up being molded by our western educational systems and influenced by contemporary culture. For 3 decades of my life, I lived a very busy lifestyle and actualized many professional goals. I navigated the corporate market and worked my way up, twice, into separate executive roles. One being Human Resource Management and the other being Arts and Culture Management. And all the while, maintained my passion for learning and practicing yoga and astrology.
Managing my mainstream “professional” roles and my personal alternative practices, truly curated a most interesting and diverse life experience for me. Further to my formal education, it truly enhanced my ability to know myself, and to critically think and connect with a wide range of very diverse people.
In 2008 I opened up a part time business for my art astrology practice and began facilitating astrology circles and art shows, teaching astrology classes and seeing private clients for both art and astrology services.
In recent years my personal life took some very drastic turns. I faced my strongest challenges to date, my fellow astrology friends would understand the statement that, I had a MAJOR 8th House transit in my own personal astrology, a period of time riddled with the energy of major crisis and deep transformation.
Over the course of 9 years, this transformational energy showed up for me as; the untimely death of my beloved younger brother, death of my marriage and the death of my immigrant father.
Included during these years of personal crisis were health challenges, the need to hold space and support for the my mother, my sister-in-law and my brother’s two young children. Not an experience for the faint of heart or the weak in spirit. Trust, I make no exaggerations, this is my Straight Goods story.
As I wrestle through the stages of grief, and attempt to emerge from the trauma, the death of my old life is almost complete and I understand, without a shadow of a doubt, that I am no longer the person I use to be. And I am preparing to embrace the new, next steps toward actualizing my most authentic self as it cultivates, all the while embracing life’s mysteries and finding new ways to be of service.
My website and other on-line channels (in the mist of being developed) is where I will engage with my readers and share my personhood art-astrology perspectives in an effort to explore and to (hopefully) better understand oneself, other people and the reality we live in.
A note to those who knew me then: you no longer know me now. A note to all: I hope you will journey along as I embark on this next phase of personal and professional evolution – and it begins here at www.personhoodart.ca
Dia dhuit,