Ancient knowledge outlined that life is energy and spiritual in origin and encouraged cultivation of personal energy through the Chakra System. Energy was appreciated and learning how to stay aware and work with your energy was for the purpose to obtain mastery of yourself. In this modern moment, the journey with the chakra system teaches us about energy so that we can take charge of our lives and change the way we do things.
The Chakras are both real and symbolic and imply 2 things; first they represent centres of subtle energies within the body that open specific levels of the mind, secondly, they represent the progressive higher states of awareness that symbolize the spiritual path and permeate your aura.
Subtle energy refers to the life force field surrounding all living things and even though we can not see it we can perceive the quality of a person’s energy field by their body language, their bright or dull in the eyes, the clear or confused state of the mind and by the things a person will say or do.
As a person seeks to develop and refine their own consciousness, the chakra system acts as conductor that will draw vital energy up from the earth, circulate it through the physical body and release it as higher awareness. Similarly, this cosmic energy will move down through the crown chakra and manifest as right actions and active creativity.
The motion levels of each chakra work to release old, stagnant emotional energy in the form of memories and feelings that weigh down the spirit to evolve a person to healthier states of being. The Chakra systems offer a new dimension of healing and growth.
Here is a simple outline of each chakra:
- Located at the base of the spine
- Associated with the planet Saturn
- Sensory experience of smell
- Anchors our spirit in our worldly existence
- The nurturing mother vs. the lacking energy victim
- Your right to take up space, belonging
- Administrative intelligence
- Learning to be of service

- Located below navel and into pelvis area
- Associated with the planet Jupiter
- Sensory experience of taste
- Governs our wellbeing
- The abundant emperor vs. the sour martyr
- Attitudes of being and having enough, enjoyment
- Pleasure intelligence
- Learning the simple joys of life

- Located at the stomach area
- Associated with the planet Mars
- Sensory experience of vision
- Reflects how we see ourselves and how we exercise our innate power
- The confident warrior vs the needy servant
- Knowing your worth, sense of selfhood
- Instinctual intelligence
- Learning the human love languages

- Located at the middle of the chest
- Associated with the planet Venus
- Sensory experience of touch
- The love nature and divinity within
- The good will lover vs. the bound by convention actor
- Attitudes on happiness, embracing life
- The intelligence to accentuate the positive
- Learning the value of community

- Located at the throat
- Associated with the planet Mercury
- Sensory experience of hearing
- Directs our ability to communicate
- The open communicator vs the suppressed silent child
- Expressions of truth as the key to individuality, not lying
- The intelligence of the will and expression
- Learning to express divine will

- Located between the eyebrows
- Associated with the luminary of the Moon
- Sensory experience of intuition
- Seeks meaning, truth, and freedom.
- The humorous wise person vs. the rigid intellectual
- Developing understanding for your limitations and those of others
- The intelligence of wisdom
- Learning detachment

- Located at the top of the skull
- Associated with the luminary of the Sun
- Sensory experience of bliss
- Allows to deepen our connection with source and influences inner cycles.
- The grace of the guru vs the arrogance of the egotist
- Developing holistic and universal principles of respect and acceptance, help of a higher source
- Spiritual intelligence
- Learning to be at one with source energy

I have been a student of Yoga since grade five and in 2023 I decided to endeavour into Yoga Teacher Training. For this reason and many others, I will be exploring and sharing my research with the Chakra System and hope you too find good reasons to engage with the chakra system, as we do, we know we are on the road to balancing out our internal nature 😊
Dia dhuit,