For as long as people have been on the earth, they have wondered and explored the nature of their relationship with the Cosmos.
Ancient civilizations have studied the heavens and many others ever since and their research and our own influences and explorations is what shapes the views of our beliefs about our place in time and our purpose overall.
Humans have incorporated opposing views at times to describe truths that science alone simply cannot explain. Humans over the centuries have sought ideas and discourse because of the vast sphere we have explored continuing to defy the human imagination!
Astrology is noted to be the first science, documented from as early 2000 B.C., and over the years it developed into an incredibly complex practice. In ancient times, astrology and astronomy were one science, and astrologers were the best educated people as they had to understand astronomy, math, spiritual symbols and mystic meanings, psychology, and human nature. Astrology was taught in universities until the 1600’s when a supposed more rational science took over. Nonetheless, the study of astrology has never diminished (feel free to ‘google’ to find the overwhelming evidence!)
Fundamentally though, astrology is based on two ideas, and one is that the entire universe is interconnected and therefore one part can shed light on another part. The second idea is that time possesses a certain quality (as above, so below) therefore by looking at the solar system and documenting moments in time, the astrologer can apply their studies to delineate possibility about life at such corresponding time frames.
For me, like many modern astrologers, I consider Astrology a symbolic language of the Universe written in the sky whereby the twelve signs are divided up for interpretation with cosmological and philosophical meanings.
There are many systems of astrology yet the core foundational blocks of astrology as a language, they are; the Element of the energies – Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) According to Carl Jung classification of the astrological elements, fire type is intuition, earth type is sensation, air type is thinking, water type is the feeling. Next is the energy of sign Qualities which are cardinal initiative, fixed resistance, and mutable adaptability. Due consideration for the polarities of masculine being self expressive, and feminine being receptive are applied and the Rulership’s of the twelve signs, which is when a certain sign is thought to have a certain connection with a planet, are potent references because in this way, the human drive personified by each planet, will be expressed according to the nature of the sign in which it is placed.
Overall, the vast ways and systems of astrology still simply encompass each sign with its strengths and its weaknesses, and all astrology systems seek to explore the who, what, where why and when of the astrological energy that impacts, that define time.
I agree with the famous writer and poet D. H. Lawrence; “We need not feel ashamed of flirting with the zodiac. The zodiac is well worth flirting with.”
Dia dhuit,