Metaphorically speaking, your North Star is your personal mission statement. It illuminates the best pathway to follow to actualize who it is that you are and why it is that you are here! When the world we know makes unusual twists, turns dark at times and changes, your North Star is the light of which you can depend on.
On December 21, 2021, a rare alignment of Saturn with Jupiter took place with the “thickness of dime held at arm’s length” apart in the sky, according to the NASA statement.
This is a rare alignment that occurs every 20 years and this particular cycle lined up in the energy of Aquarius. The timing of this is perfect as the New Age of Aquarius, which is now in motion, begins to take root in our collective consciousness and in our earth bound, lived experiences. (more on this coming soon!). Get a copy of your birth chart here, to find out where the Aquarius energy is located and impacting you.
Jupiter is the gift giver and Saturn is the great teacher, the task master. Astrologically speaking both planets serve you with personal growth potential and when they meet up, every 20 years, they light up that department in your personal birth chart that directly points to your North Star!
Below I share my insights for each zodiac sign, as this rare alignment of Jupiter and Saturn unfold the pathway toward your personal North Star!
Be sure to read both your rising sign and sun sign energy.
Aries– you need to concentrate on your group participation and the social issues that are impacting them. You are learning more about just how much others value you and how they will need your attention to enhance the overall impact of the group, which in turn will enhance your own ability to be personally resourceful.
Taurus – you need to concentrate on what guides your public life and sense of achievement in the world. You are learning more about the effect you have externally and with that new self awareness you begin to renovate powerful parts of your own identity.
Gemini – you need to concentrate on your life philosophy and the discovery of higher truths. Its time to dive deeper than you ever have, to research, record and publish your findings. You are learning more about internalized parts of yourself and to really actualize this, copious amounts of time away from camp life may attract you and or, be required.
Cancer – you need concentrate on your peak experiences presenting themselves, designed to help you embrace meaningful change and the embodiment of wisdom. You are learning more about the gravity of friendships when they are fake verses when they are authentic. The impact of both, will be deeply felt and transformational.
Leo – you need to concentrate on your alliances with others, who are the real partners in business that tangibly support your growth, who is the real partner in love that will care for your beautiful heart and participate in your need for true love? You are learning more about identifying the authentic souls on your path, which will guide and support your journey toward the high achievement you seek in the world.
Virgo – you need to concentrate on your daily routine and realizing its significant impact on your mind, body and overall health. You are learning more about how to conquer circumstances in your life by putting into real practice, those philosophies you hold close to your heart. Travel with-in, stabilize and win.
Libra – you need to concentrate on your creativity, recreation and the children in your life and truly embrace that which ignites the pleasures of your soul! Make meaningful art, seek out romance, procreate! You are learning more about the authentic transformation of self through the depth interactions you encounter with those special persons in your life.
Scorpio – you need to concentrate on your subconscious patterns you developed via your early family life and cultural influences. The time has come for emotional release and new mental foundations. You are learning how to remodel your attitude and effort with your alliances and discovering there can be some surprise adventures found in special one to one relationship.
Sagittarius – you need to concentrate on your conscious mind set, has it become fixed? Does it remain growth orientated? Circumstances will cause you to reflect on the ways you relate to your surroundings and with whom you hold close in your circle. You are learning more about the impact your thoughts and opinions have on you and others. Its all about embracing new tools, methods, and techniques, to enhance your self-becoming.
Capricorn – you need to concentrate on the form and substance of your individual self. Its time to put attention on your resources, inventiveness and self-esteem. You are learning more about the checks and balances of the pleasure principal and your innate creativity that can manifest new values and valuables for your life experience.
Aquarius – you need to concentrate on the impression are you making on the outer world. You are learning more about your individual personality, in all its uniqueness, along with embracing a new desire to truly let go of those outdated patterns you have showcased in the past in order to make room for the new you that will emerge.
Pisces – you need to concentrate on the unacknowledged parts of yourself that transcends the everyday routines of your life and will enlighten you in ways to help yourself and humanity, that only you can actualize. You are learning more about the structure of your own thinking and how it helps or hinders your ability to truly communicate with others.