Pluto is a slow yet methodical energy. Its objective is to unearth the darkness so that it may completely transform it into the light, a light that will lead the way toward your evolved existence in the new era.
Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius marks the beginning stages of The Age of Aquarius. Pluto will ingress into Aquarius on January 20, 2024, and remain there until September 1st. At which point it will retrograde back into Capricorn, and absolutely finish up any business it was handling in that area of your chart. Alas, by November 2024 it will make its way back into Aquarius and will stay there for the next 20 years completely transforming a new department of your life, for your greatest good!
Be sure to check out my workshops to learn more about this fascinating cosmic evolution and its impact on you… but… in the meantime, here are the key departments of life that the power of Pluto will impact for each Sun and Rising Sign:
Aries or Aries Rising; Pluto will push you to transform groups, friends, community associations and your place in the world. Your need to be true to your hopes, wishes and dreams means as Pluto moves into Aquarius, to not buckle to any group think or political trend that wants you on side, just because. It would be better if you find the exit in any groups or friends that don’t align with your principals because if not, eventually you may feel that your groups threaten your sense of freedom. It is very possible that you will meet new friends who could transform your life, or likewise you could be an agent of change for others. No matter what, try to keep a healthy balance with groups, friends, and associations as you could be led astray by the wrong ideologies or encounter major power struggles with-in groups that hold hidden animosity toward you and what you are trying to do. During certain phases you will rethink your goals and hopes, adjusting to the future and as such could drop certain activities or friends because they no longer reflect who you are. Ultimately, you will notice a budding desire to connect with lots of different and diverse people who align with your energy, these friends, associates and groups will be unusual whereby you mingle and work along side the most interesting types of intellectuals and revolutionaries.
Taurus or Taurus Rising; Pluto will push you to reform your career, vocation, reputation, and your ambitions so that your talents can make a positive impact on the public. Pluto might challenge your approach towards authority figures and may intensify your relationship with employers. You will confront your own sense of power and what you do with it. Should you demonstrate any ruthless tendencies to control or manipulate others (discretely or overtly) the karma boomerang will hit quick with hardship or losses arriving in your work a day world or home life. Allow this surge of public powers that will surround you, in one way or another, be a reminder that it is best to think through your motivations, and to go deep when determining your real ambitions and review or be clear on the best approach you can take. If you have been on a track towards honest and healthy work efforts for a while, your ability to manifest your ambitions can take off. However, your goals must be true to who you really are. If you don’t know yourself, you will get clearer during these years by exploring different paths until you find one. Achieving great status and recognition during this transit is very possible, so long as you are willing to govern yourself with authentic support for humanity, personal integrity, authenticity.
Gemini or Gemini Rising; Pluto will push you to pursue your deeper truth and life’s meaning, higher education, travel, and exploration. During this transit you will have a profound desire for freedom to find your own meaning of life, endeavouring for the answers by studying science, spirituality, cosmology, astronomy, or astrology. Following your own independent course is the order of the energy as you will divert off your well-worn paths of the past, developing your new and original viewpoints that ultimately have you broadcasting, publishing, or teaching your innovative ideas and findings. Travelling all over the world is very possible but purposefully so and the friends you collect as a result will be multifaceted. Challenges that transform your beliefs will arrive and they will be intense, possibly bringing into your life a crisis of personal faith that forces you to rethink how you live your life and why. Trust the universe is gifting you with the secrets of life but only if you’re willing to let life teach you, stay open-minded, don’t resist, and allow your view of the world to expand so that by the end of this transit your personal wisdom is much more enhanced.
Cancer or Cancer Rising; Pluto will push you to renovate the deep emotional self, your understanding of power, money, shared resources, and control. Exploring science or metaphysics could bring you face to face with new ways to transform yourself. You can receive an inheritance or other windfalls of money during this transit. Business extreme with gains or losses can occur. You may want to flatten your desire nature, and this could make you emotionally distant with a tendency to avoid attachments. There could also be power struggles and manipulation that brings hidden fears to the surface for healing. It is very possible that you experience a death and rebirth cycle during this transit therefore, the mysteries of life will capture your imagination, and this could beckon you to do some profound research that deepens your understanding of life, as various elements fall away.
Leo or Leo Rising; Pluto will push you to transform your authentic relating, connections with networks and partnerships to enhance your ability to be more open with others. Its possible that you would rather your relationships be based on friendships and a meeting of minds. Unconventional partnerships, open relations, and plenty of freedom to be yourself is the order of this energy. Mindful of a tendency to become too aloof or distant as this may cause upsets in existing relationships and bring you undue hardships. Reviewing the dynamics of your relationships uncover where you give away your power. Therapy could be very helpful during these years as you transform how you relate with your significant other or closest relations, while staying true to yourself. You may start to embody the qualities of a scientist, tech-geek, humanitarian, or pursue subjects that are unusual.
Virgo or Virgo Rising; Pluto will push you to reform your health and wellness techniques, work methods and attitude toward the rituals of your daily life. You will develop an unconventional approach to work and may get involved in advocacy to do your part in creating better conditions for humans and animals. You may prefer to engage as friends with your colleagues as your need for freedom to do things your own way starts to heighten, and your distain for anyone telling you what to do becomes evident. You will explore alternative modalities for your health, incorporating cutting edge medical research as you experiment with innovative therapies and gadgets. Pushing yourself too hard, going overboard with work, and not committing to your physical and personal needs can bring challenges. Efforts to rebuild yourself during this time can be extremely successful.
Libra or Libra Rising; Pluto will push you into a metamorphosis with creativity, connecting with innate talent and your self expression to support the ability to be your best self. You may also incorporate new methods with children providing them with more freedom to be themselves and taking a more detached approach. It is possible that you start to see friendships as most important, finding intelligence and a meeting of minds more attractive. Fundamentally, it is your budding desire for more personal freedom to be yourself. The arrival of passionate romance will transform you as it is liable to trigger obsessive emotions and power games. Any emotional extremes in relationships will oblige you to get authentically real with yourself and others as your unconventional attitude towards romance unfolds. It is out with the old ways and in with the new when it comes to your methods of speculation and engaging with the joys of life itself.
Scorpio or Scorpio Rising; Pluto will push you to make over your foundations and patterns of behaviours for a new sense of security for your future. It is possible that you experience distance from your family or connect with them very differently as this energy takes root. It is also very possible that you start to see friends as the family you choose. Ultimately you are triggered by changes in your family because of power struggles or even deaths and separations. Home renovations can take priority, or you may move to a whole new location than where you are originally from or have resided in recent years. As changes develop, memories from your childhood that have shaped who you are and the outdated ideas of life that you inherited from family patterns are being eliminated. Therapy can be helpful and or trusted confidants to lean on during key times, will be incredibly valuable as you excavate the old and establish the new foundations that will support your becoming the most authentic version of yourself.
Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising; Pluto will push you to change the way you think, the way you choose things, your local lifestyle and overall learning style. You may start to communicate in a unique way, as your mind transforms how it processes your thoughts. The desire to explore subjects in depth may bring deep rooted insecurities and unconscious motivations to the surface to be eliminated. You may find your ability to solve problems is heightened but mindful of intellectual superiority. The eccentric nature taking root in your thinking will gift you with the ability to provide unique contributions that benefit the people or causes that you align with and support, but try not to become stuck in the realm of your mind, without giving enough consideration to your heart. Considerable changes in your local environment and neighbourhood could cause situations with your siblings or relationships with neighbours to breakdown. Local issues or humanitarian causes will be where the positive experiences unfold. Its all about truly knowing your own mind to develop your distinctive voice with more authentic power.
Capricorn or Capricorn Rising; Pluto will push you to revamp your self-worth, values, and material stability to powerfully shift your unconscious beliefs. Challenges to your inner security are possible now. Effort to update how you have structured your life up to this point could be required and by choosing to actively engage in making the needed changes means any upheaval will be managed more effectively. Determining what really matters to you now and transforming what is deep rooted within you, is what is most important. As you start to recognize what and who you value most, you will also experience a revamp to your resources. Radical changes in these areas can occur during the transit, reinforcing the fact that the process of regeneration needs to take place so that you create a more authentic life for yourself. You may start to innovate the ways in which you earn money by learning new things or putting more faith in original business ideas. It is possible that you decide to focus on developing a more secure sense of your self worth so that any external circumstance or change does not overwhelm your feelings of security. Recruit what you need to support the cultivation of your personal self-acceptance as this will serve you well.
Aquarius or Aquarius Rising; Pluto will push you into a major restructure of how you live, inducing your rebirth and activating your innate power toward leadership. During this transit you may be inclined toward emotional distance, aloofness, and fixation on your own ideas. Try not to alienate others completely as you experience transformation in the ways you approach life. Your body and overall use of it will appreciate your organic healthy efforts during this transit. Relationship problems you encounter are true signals that you must make room for change. It is all about finding out who you really are so that you can become more empowered as a sovereign individual. Keep a grip on your ego, be careful that you don’t distract yourself with your own hidden agenda or become focused on controlling others toward your objectives rather, focus on your own self-improvement and strengthen your discipline toward becoming the authentic commander of your own universe.
Pisces or Pisces Rising; Pluto will push you to transform your spirituality and your ability to let go, to unblock yourself and make space for all new feelings and new understanding toward life. You may make use of your intuition in very conscious ways, staying engaged with your group of friends may take effort on your part now but that might serve you best as opposed to becoming too aloof and detached as this transit unfolds. Keeping too much to yourself will not serve your transformation. As you reflect deeply about your past, your hidden motives, those deep-rooted fears, and any self sabotage that occurred brings you face to face with consequences. However, the idea is for you to process the lessons so that you can release the past and transcend the deep emotions and turn them into wisdom. Any retreat from living life will not allow you to escape your feelings. Strengthen a positive attitude toward yourself so that you can deal with any false friends or false attitudes you have about yourself. You will be reborn as you free yourself from any pre-tense and step into your most authentic sense of yourself.
Cheers Cosmic Citizens,
©Regan Jane Hayward