Your Rising Sign is part of your astro-image that you openly show the world, it is determined by the energy on the horizon at the time of your birth. In the western language of Astrology, we call this your Rising Sign and it will describe an individual’s public personality.
The Rising Sign characteristics represent your style, how other people perceive you, and any defense mechanisms you turn on to protect yourself in uncomfortable interactions. Many times, our inner most self is very different than the person we present to others. To understand our rising signs is to understand how we present ourselves to the world.
Here is a brief introduction for each Rising Sign. If you need to learn what your rising sign is; get a copy of your birth chart here.
Aries Rising = Ruled by the planet Mars, its all about acting based on gut feelings. This rising sign energy has a “can-do” attitude no matter what obstacles are before it, sometimes can come off as intimidating or immature, but your fearless attitude attracts your soul-tribe. A trail blazer who asks no one for permission but rather seeks forgiveness. You come across as playful, passionate, competitive, brave, independent, direct, energetic, and bold.
Taurus Rising = Ruled by the planet Venus, its all about exuding fierce, and strong-willed vibes, unwavering with personal values and where loyalty is applied, Taurus easy to sport a single-minded cautiousness in life that can cause a tough time when changes need to happen. You come across as dependable, having a taste for luxury, beauty, and the good things in life.
Gemini Rising = Ruled by the planet Mercury and considered to be the messenger of the gods given Gemini’s tendency to be charming, well-spoken, and adept at public relations. With a highly creative mind and a strong ability to originate ideas. Sometimes overwhelm happens with the desire to do everything all at once. You come across as social, playful, curious, talkative, and quick-witted.
Cancer Rising = Ruled by the Moon and therefore the mood is subject to change—and quickly. Far more emotionally sensitive than people realize yet uncannily able to hold space and offer support for others. Although you present as kind, those sharp crab claws sometimes come out when your boundaries are crossed. You come across as nurturing, heartfelt, compassionate, sympathetic, and gentle, although choosy about the people allowed inside your home and your heart.
Leo Rising = Ruled by the Sun, people with Leo rising are made for the spotlight, you strike others as positive, charismatic, and motivated to realize your goals. People often gravitate to your warmth, and everyone notices when you walk into the room. Not many others can keep up with your fiery—and sometimes demanding—energy. You come across as have a noble, dignified, and proud demeanor, holding much confidence and importance
Virgo Rising = Ruled by the planet Mercury, Virgo risings give off a very clean, refined, and elegant vibe, as well as being highly attuned to the physical body. Detail orientated, frequently organized, sometimes disheveled, with a reliable a curious nature, Virgo energy just wants to make things the best they can be. You come across as down-to-earth, knowledgeable, and eager to find solutions at every turn
Libra Rising = Ruled by the planet Venus, with a sincere appreciation for the arts, you possess both a sweet idealism with a sharp tongue, and both these traits are apparent to everyone. Persuasive, with a incredible charisma that struggles due to an indecisive nature, mostly because of trying to keep the peace and make everyone happy, because Libra is the ultimate sign of partnership so the desire to compromise is true blue. You come across as a polished, fair-minded, balance-loving, and conflict-averse social butterfly.
Scorpio Rising = Ruled by the planet Pluto, you will likely have an air of mystery, known to keep your guard up and although it can difficult to open up, once you do, you are committed, loyal, and sensitive to others’ emotions. Scorpio Rising may come off as too intense to the wrong person; meanwhile, others will be inexplicably attracted to their magnetic energy. You come across as charming, strategic, and sometimes intimidating but always alert to what’s happening in your environment
Sagittarius Rising = Ruled by the planet Jupiter and possessing an innate sense of freedom, you can tell a great story and are lots of fun to be around! Outspoken and opinionated, you are honest and confident, which means you rarely stop moving and embrace anything life throws at you. You come across as dynamic, charming, and excited about everything the world has to offer.
Capricorn Rising = Ruled by the planet Saturn, you strive for greatness in personal and professional pursuits. This rising sign is very serious, disciplined, with a responsible nature hence is often prepared for anything. It takes years of age to induce learning how to enjoy everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve and let your wild side surface! You come across as practical, sensible, down-to-earth, organized, traditional, and intensely career oriented.
Aquarius Rising = Ruled by the planet Uranus, you have an innovative and eccentric approach to life. On the surface you can sometimes seem a bit cold and aloof, but you are all about being part of your community and making it better while maintaining an appreciation for the individual. With your ability to take others just as they are means that others, in turn, tend to accept your quirks more readily. You come across as being future-minded, curious, likable, inventive, and friendly.
Pisces Rising = Ruled by the planet Neptune makes this rising sign dreamy, with a sweet and soulful vibe. Able to take in everything in your environment all at once but alas, you feel your way toward the response to any type of situation. You are affected by the spiritual and have no reservations about swimming in the emotional depths, but sometimes too much compassion can leave you vulnerable. You come across as soft with a graceful demeanor, gentle, creative, charming with and an overall ethereal vibe.